Grace Huguley
Studying abroad is essential to my undergraduate experience because it allows me to immerse myself in another culture and meet new people. Through this experience, I gain a deeper understanding of not just Greece but the world at large.

Chase Blackwell
It completed my theatre minor, and allowed me to explore previously unknown parts of the world to me. Furthermore, it broadened my horizons on different cultures and lifestyles.

Aliyah Maxwell-Abrams
Studying abroad is important to my undergraduate experience as it brought me new perspective regarding daily life, energy access, sustainability, and experiences I wouldn’t have been able to get in the classroom or online.

Kathleen Gomes Laureano
I sought to improve my conversational Spanish skills and explore different cultures. Having rarely traveled before this experience, I thought that a six-week summer program in Spain would allow me to improve my language skills while still immersing myself in a new culture.

Hannah Olson
I selected it by being able to attend zoom events along with sending in an application of being accepted in the abroad program.

Yoselin Colin
At Yale, I was already taking French courses when one of my professors mentioned that she would be teaching an advanced Yale French course in Paris during the summer of 2024. She encouraged our class to apply, and I did!

Sarah Mitchell
I selected it because it was the only one that was connected to my major. I also knew the professor that was doing the trip, so I was more comfortable with that one than a different trip.

Ava Brown
I wanted to learn how to speak Spanish and with my general requirements I had to pick between Spanish and business. Determined, I told myself that I would learn Spanish as much as I could at college and keep furthering my education of the language which is why I ended up in Spain!

Ethan Jones
Studying abroad was essential to my undergraduate experience because it allowed me to grow as a student and overall person in newly uncharted territory, immersing myself in unique cultures and traditions

Destiny Kirksey
It was important because it allowed me to learn more about the different countries outside the United States. I got to experience living in a country with laws different from ours and understand more about the history of Costa Rica.

Elsi Muñoz Ramos
My study abroad experience helped me to improve my Mandarin language skills, meet new people, make new friends, and learn about Taiwan’s history and culture. The new experiences and skills I have gained have given me a clearer vision of some of my future goals.

Shiv Patel
Studying abroad is important to my undergraduate experience as it has allowed me to chase after something eye-opening, something that allows me to experience various possibilities and learn about different cultures.

Tyler Le
As someone who went to college in the same state as they grew up in, it was important to get out of the bubble of what I understood as the world.

Kamaal Somji
You get to explore the world while also gaining academic/career experience. It also helps in fostering connections and friendships from different cultures and nations.

Dulce De La Cruz
For my language studies, it was important to me to visit a country in which the primary language spoken was one of my studies.