University of Notre Dame
Psychology – Graduation Spring 2026
Where did you study abroad?
Why is / was studying abroad important to your undergraduate experience?
Studying abroad is essential to my undergraduate experience because it allows me to immerse myself in another culture and meet new people. Through this experience, I gain a deeper understanding of not just Greece but the world at large. Living amongst a new culture and within a different environment helps me learn more about society and how individuals interact with one another. On a more personal level, studying abroad has promoted personal growth and cultivated a deeper understanding of myself, both as a person and as a student. Studying abroad provides a unique experience where I am constantly learning, growing, and exploring, both inside and outside the classroom.
How did you select your study abroad program?
I attended numerous study abroad information sessions for different programs in order to determine which one was a good fit for me. After attending these sessions, I did additional research and talked to my advisors for advice before selecting this program.
How did you grow during your study abroad experience?
Before I studied abroad, I didn’t consider myself someone who was “creative”, however, during my experience, I have been required to “think outside the box” within different academic and social settings, which has ultimately influenced me to think more creatively and take different perspectives when faced with challenges. Also, studying abroad has inspired me to venture out of my comfort zone within different social settings in order to meet new people and form new relationships. I have also grown intellectually, of course, as I have learned a lot about Ancient Greek history and civilization and how Greece developed into the country that it is today.
What was your favorite excursion as part of your study abroad experience?
I really enjoyed it when my institution embarked on a field study to the island of Crete. The professors did a great job of teaching us about many different historical and cultural aspects of the island. This excursion was intriguing as it provided a glimpse into another part of Greece that I had not yet seen before. Also, since the entire school went on this field study, I was able to share this experience with my friends!
What advice would you offer other AFF scholars who are interested in studying abroad?
Go for it! Leaving home for such a long period of time may seem frightening and intimidating at first, but the experience is absolutely worth it. By studying abroad, you will encounter endless opportunities to learn and grow that will truly change your life in the most wonderful and surprising ways. You won’t regret it!