Minnesota State University, Mankato
Elementary Education – Graduation Fall 2024
Where did you study abroad?
Halmstad, Sweden
Why is / was studying abroad important to your undergraduate experience?
I felt like it was an important experience to be able to be apart of a life-changing journey into another countries education system in a span of a month. If I were to travel to this country on my own, I wouldn’t get the same experience of being able to enter the schools that were in this area.
How did you select your study abroad program?
I selected it by being able to attend zoom events along with sending in an application of being accepted in the abroad program.
How did you grow during your study abroad experience?
I grew by receiving an experience of being in the shoes of what multi-lingual learner could be going through while in a general classroom that speaks English in the United States. I now know what it feels like to be the outsider, especially in Sweden of not knowing their first language being Swedish and understanding what student and teachers were saying while going about a school day. I would find myself struggling to stay awake in class forcing myself to stand to stay awake, because I couldn’t follow along like the students could. I am able to bring this experience back home with me to understand what a student who’s first language isn’t English to give empathy and grace to those who struggle to understand what is going on in a general classroom in the US. I now know how important visuals are to help any student try to follow along attaching a picture while explaining something allows learns to connect outside experience in trying to follow along.
What was your favorite excursion as part of your study abroad experience?
My favorite excursion would have to the weekends in being able to travel by train to other nearby little towns. I was able to shop, find souvenirs for myself and my family, and experience what the Swedish lifestyle was like.
What advice would you offer other AFF scholars who are interested in studying abroad?
The advice I would give for someone who is interested in studying abroad would be to do it. I can strongly say out of the many tears, stress, and discomfort, this was truly a life changing experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Advice to give would be to under pack clothes, because you will definitely overpack which leads to heavy bags especially on the way back!! Just when I thought I was going to be light, ended up being overweight!!